TRAA Brook Trout Project
Brook Trout Eggs are in the TRAA Hatchery Now!
Success with this trial batch may lead into a full brook trout program.
There were approximately 100 wild brook trout eggs collected by electro-fishing area streams for rearing in the TRAA trout hatchery.
Many brook trout were collected from area streams similar to this one but very few were yielding there eggs for collection. Some had already spawned and other were "green", meaning they hadn't yet spawned but were not ready yet to do so. Eventually a few were found and the decision was quickly made that it didn't matter how many we collected as long as we had enough for a decent trial.
The eggs have been placed in a single-cell upwelling box that was constructed using the former fry box. The upwelling design of the re-purposed baffle box directs the flow of water from below the egg tray and upwards through the eggs. This accomplishes a couple of things: the upward flow simulates an underwater spring which is a favoured location for brook trout to lay their eggs and the upwelling current is more efficient at moving debris (such as egg casings, silt etc.) away from the eggs and the hatched fry.
The other more obvious advantage of the separate upwelling box is that it keeps the brook trout eggs segregated from the brown trout eggs that will soon be in the existing array of main trays.
The picture on the left shows the brook trout eggs shortly after they were placed in the upwelling box. These eggs are only about 2 millimetres in diameter.The image on the right is an adult brook trout similar to what we hope the eggs will become in a couple years after a successful release into an area stream.
Members of the trout hatchery rotation will be checking the progress of the brook trout eggs on a daily basis. When the brown trout eggs arrive it'll be "double duty" with both the brookies and the browns in the same facility. After that, spring brings the arrival of the rainbow trout eggs so we'll be at it until May or June of 2013!
If you are interested in being part of the trout hatchery rotation or would just like to learn more about what's involved, please email us and we'll arrange to have you visit with a current member of the team.